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Gaedhlaing / Gaolainn / Gaedhlige and Gaelic / Goidelic[編集]

Apologies for the English, but I know very little Japanese. I have removed these translations because...

  • Gaedhlaing and Gaolainn are the names for Irish in the southern dialect but they can also mean just that dialect, not the language as a whole
  • Gaedhlige - this should be spelled Gaedhilge and is just an old-fashioned spelling of Gaeilge
  • Gaelic - this is confusing. To many English speakers this means Scottish Gaelic, not Irish.
  • Goidelic - this is the name of the language family which includes Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Manx. It doesn't mean just Irish.

Moilleadóir 2007年10月12日 (金) 16:53 (UTC)[返信]