
出典: フリー多機能辞典『ウィクショナリー日本語版(Wiktionary)』
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中華人民共和国における、正式名称としては「簡化字(简化字)」なのかも知れませんが、日本語においては「簡体字」と呼称することが一般的です(例えば、w:簡体字)。ここは、日本語版ウィクショナリーですので、説明等に用いている用語は日本語の慣習に従うようお願いします。--Mtodo (トーク) 2018年4月11日 (水) 17:32 (UTC)[返信]

"Simple form characters" are often used in Chinese as well. However, Wiktionary is an academic place, more academic and official name should be used. In Chinese, Shinjitai are often referred as "Simple form characters of Japan", but I would change it to "Japan Shinjitai" if I find one on Chinese Wikimedia. This is according to the "names follow its owner" principle, and it is the more academic wording. Not to mention that Japanese Wiktionary has a page on "Simplified characters" (https://ja.wiktionary.org/wiki/简化字), and even someone who didn't know what the "Simplified characters" are would understand the meaning of "Simplified characters" after he or she viewed the page.