この動詞は口蓋化した語幹を含み-ier で終わる第1群動詞として活用する。この動詞は概ね-er を含む動詞のように活用するがで幾つかの活用語尾のe の前にi が付く。This is an irregular verb with a stressed stem containing an extra syllable: aiu-. Early versions had the stressed stem aiuḍ-, this -ḍ- is the reason the second person singular subjunctive ends in -z. The alternative form of the third person singular subjunctive present aïst and other stems in aï- is rather a reflex from shortened Vulgar Latin *adiŭtet. It is cognate with Spanish ayudar and Italian aiutare. 古フランス語の活用は時期毎・地域毎に著しく異なる。