[編集]古フランス語 aprandre, aprendre < ラテン語 apprehendere
[編集]ラテン語 apprendere < apprehendere
[編集]- This verb is conjugated on the model of prendre. That means it is quite irregular, with the following patterns:
- In the infinitive, in the singular forms of the present indicative, and in the future and the conditional, it is conjugated like rendre, perdre, etc. (sometimes called the regular -re verbs).
- In the plural forms of the present indicative and imperative, in the imperfect indicative, in the present subjunctive, and in the present participle, it is conjugated like appeler or jeter, using the stem apprenn- before mute ‘e’ and the stem appren- elsewhere.
- In the past participle, and in the past historic and the imperfect subjunctive, its conjugation resembles that of mettre.
単純時 | 複合時 | ||||||
不定詞 | apprendre | avoir appris | |||||
gérondif | en apprenant | en avant appris | |||||
現在分詞 | apprenant | ||||||
過去分詞 | appris | ||||||
人称 | 単数 | 複数 | |||||
第一人称 | 第二人称 | 第三人称 | 第一人称 | 第二人称 | 第三人称 | ||
直説法 | je (j’) | tu | il | nous | vous | ils | |
単純時 | 現在 | apprends | apprends | apprend | apprenons | apprenez | apprennent |
半過去 | apprenais | apprenais | apprenait | apprenions | appreniez | apprenaient | |
単純過去 | appris | appris | apprit | apprîmes | apprîtes | apprirent | |
単純未来 | apprendrai | apprendras | apprendra | apprendrons | apprendrez | apprendront | |
条件法現在 | apprendrais | apprendrais | apprendrait | apprendrions | apprendriez | apprendraient | |
複合時 | 複合過去 | avoir の現在形 + appris | |||||
大過去 | avoir の半過去形 + appris | ||||||
前過去 | avoir の単純過去形 + appris | ||||||
前未来 | avoir の未来形 + appris | ||||||
条件法現在 | avoir の条件法現在形 + appris | ||||||
接続法 | que je (j’) | que tu | qu’il | que nous | que vous | qu’ils | |
単純時 | 現在 | apprenne | apprennes | apprenne | apprenions | appreniez | apprennent |
半過去 | apprisse | apprisses | apprît | apprissions | apprissiez | apprissent | |
複合時 | 過去 | avoir の接続法現在形 + appris | |||||
大過去 | avoir の接続法半過去形 + appris | ||||||
命令法 | – | tu | – | nous | vous | – | |
— | apprends | — | apprenons | apprenez | — |