cast the first stone
[編集]- 非難できる立場であるか否かに頓着せず、真っ先に非難する。
- 'When a man,' he says, 'seeks by every possible artifice to betray an old friend to the police of the Foreign Ruler, and then a working man arises and slays the Judas in the broad daylight in the public streets — I have not the courage to cast the first stone at one who thus takes upon himself to represent social justice and the abhorrence of tyranny,'(John Morley"Machiavelli" (1897))
- 「人が外国の官憲に旧友を売る可能な策謀をすべて見つけようとし、一方で、労働者は蜂起し、白昼に公道で裏切り者たちを抹殺する、そんな時に、社会正義と専制への嫌悪を示すのに信念を以ってそうしている人に、進んで非難する勇気などは持ち合わせてはいない」と彼は言う。
- 'When a man,' he says, 'seeks by every possible artifice to betray an old friend to the police of the Foreign Ruler, and then a working man arises and slays the Judas in the broad daylight in the public streets — I have not the courage to cast the first stone at one who thus takes upon himself to represent social justice and the abhorrence of tyranny,'(John Morley"Machiavelli" (1897))