[編集]- (動物の脚の)蹄。
- 1920年, Abbie Phillips Walker "Sandman’s Rainy Day Stories"[1]
- The Princess thanked her again and again, but the fairy was away before she had finished, and just then the sun peeped through the trees and at the same time the sound of horses’ hoofs was heard coming along the road.
- 王女は何度も礼を言いましたが、言い終わる前に妖精は去っていきました。ちょうどそのとき、日の光が木々のすきまから差し込み、道沿いをやって来る馬のひづめの足音が聞こえてきました。
- The Princess thanked her again and again, but the fairy was away before she had finished, and just then the sun peeped through the trees and at the same time the sound of horses’ hoofs was heard coming along the road.
- 1920年, Abbie Phillips Walker "Sandman’s Rainy Day Stories"[1]
[編集]- ↑ Abbie Phillips Walker. "Sandman’s Rainy Day Stories". 1920. Harper & Brothers. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: July 23, 2022. https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/68589/pg68589-images.html)