one another
[編集]音声 (米) (ファイル)
[編集]- (相互代名詞)お互い。互い。双方。
- 1914年, Silvanus Thompson, "Calculus Made Easy"[1]
- Let us begin with the simple expression y = x2. . . Now as y and x2 are equal to one another, it is clear that if x grows, x2 will also grow. And if x2 grows, then y will also grow.
- 単純な式の y = x2 から始めよう。[…]さて、y と x2 は互いに等しいので、x が増えれば x2 も増えるのは明らかであり、 x2 が増えれば y も増える。
- Let us begin with the simple expression y = x2. . . Now as y and x2 are equal to one another, it is clear that if x grows, x2 will also grow. And if x2 grows, then y will also grow.
- 1920年, Hugh Lofting, "The Story of Doctor Dolittle"[2]
- Now they began to wonder and ask one another what would be the best thing to give him.
- すると彼らはあれこれと考えだし、彼にあげる最も良いものはなんだろうと互いに質問し合った。
- Now they began to wonder and ask one another what would be the best thing to give him.
- 1914年, Silvanus Thompson, "Calculus Made Easy"[1]
[編集]- ↑ Silvanus Thompson. "Calculus Made Easy". Second edition. 1914. Macmillan & Co., Limited. p. 17. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: October 9, 2012.
- ↑ Hugh Lofting. "The Story of Doctor Dolittle". 1920. Frederick A. Stokes Company. (Project Gutenberg. Release date: April 1. Most recently updated: May 18, 201.