[編集]tycoon (複数 tycoons)
- 他国に呼ばせた、江戸時代の征夷大将軍の称号。日本国大君。大君。
- Choshu, in common with many of his fellow Daimyos, was bitterly opposed to the rule of the shôgun or tycoon, and when this rule resulted in the conclusion of the treaty with Commodore M. C. Perry in 1854, the smouldering discontent broke out into open hostility against both parties to the compact. ("Ito, Hirobumi". Encyclopadia Britannica.)〔1911年〕[1]
- 他の大名たちと同様、将軍つまり大君の統治に長州は激しく反発していた。この統治が1854年のM.C.ペリー代将との条約締結をもたらしたときには、憤懣は協定の両締結者に対するあからさまな敵意となった。
- Choshu, in common with many of his fellow Daimyos, was bitterly opposed to the rule of the shôgun or tycoon, and when this rule resulted in the conclusion of the treaty with Commodore M. C. Perry in 1854, the smouldering discontent broke out into open hostility against both parties to the compact. ("Ito, Hirobumi". Encyclopadia Britannica.)〔1911年〕[1]
- (1から転じて)とても裕福で大きな影響力を持つ経済的な成功者。
- As factories multiplied and profits grew, the winnings of the new economy became more and more concentrated in the hands of a few robber barons, railroad tycoons and oil magnates. (Barack Obama. Remarks of Senator Barack Obama)〔2006年〕[2]
- 工場が増加し、利益が大きくなるにつれて、その新しい経済が生み出す配当は、わずかな泥棒男爵や鉄道王、石油王たちの手の中にますます集中した。
- As factories multiplied and profits grew, the winnings of the new economy became more and more concentrated in the hands of a few robber barons, railroad tycoons and oil magnates. (Barack Obama. Remarks of Senator Barack Obama)〔2006年〕[2]
[編集]- ↑ "Ito, Hirobumi". Encyclopadia Britannica (Eleventh Edition). Cambridge University Press. Volume 15. p. 86. https://archive.org/stream/EB1911WMF/VOL15_ITALY-KYSHTYM#page/n2/mode/2up
- ↑ Barack Obama. Remarks of Senator Barack Obama. Feb. 26, 2006 . https://votesmart.org/public-statement/242201/remarks-of-senator-barack-obama-at-the-lobbying-reform-summit#.XKNRYZj7SF4