[編集]- (疑問副詞)何故、どうして。
- Why do you want to go to Moscow?
- あなたはなぜモスクワに行きたいのですか。
- Why do you want to go to Moscow?
- (関係副詞)~する(先行詞the reasonかwhyが省略される場合が多い)
- He had his bag stolen. That's (the reason) why he is angry.
- 彼はカバンを盗まれた。彼が怒っているのはそのためだ。
- He had his bag stolen. That's (the reason) why he is angry.
- (米語, 古用法) 驚きを表す。おお。おや。なに。まあ。ええ。
- 1900年, L. Frank Baum, "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"[1]
- “I was born in Omaha—” “Why, that isn’t very far from Kansas!” cried Dorothy.
- 「私はオマハの生まれで―」「おお、そこならカンザスからそんなに遠くないじゃない!」ドロシーが叫んだ。
- “I was born in Omaha—” “Why, that isn’t very far from Kansas!” cried Dorothy.
- 1921年. Helen Fuller Orton. "Prince and Rover of Cloverfield Farm"[2]
- "Why, there are Uncle James and Aunt Polly," she exclaimed.
- 「おやまあ、ジェームス叔父さんとポリー叔母さんが居る」と彼女が声を上げた。
- "Why, there are Uncle James and Aunt Polly," she exclaimed.
- 1900年, L. Frank Baum, "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"[1]
[編集]- ↑ L. Frank Baum. "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz". 1900. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: February, 1993. Most recently updated: October 19, 2020. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/55/55-h/55-h.htm)
- ↑ Helen Fuller Orton. "Prince and Rover of Cloverfield Farm". 1921. New York. Frederick A. Stokes Company. (Project Gutenberg. Release date: April 22, 2009. Most recently updated: January 4, 2021. https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/28586/pg28586-images.html )