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underframe (複数 underframes)

  1. (鉄道, 機械) 車体機械などの構造体の中で、構造体全体を支える役目を果たす底部台枠
    • 1910年. Slason Thompson. "The Railway Library, 1909"[1]
      In the latter '80s experiments were made in the development of steel framing for car construction, and built-up steel underframes were introduced shortly after; at first on cars for mineral traffic, where excessive weights and capacities were required.
    • 1917年. Joseph Husband. "The Story of the Pullman Car"[2]
      On this underframe the superstructure or frame is erected to form the body of the car.

  1. Slason Thompson. "The Railway Library, 1909". 1910. The Gunthorp-Warren Printing Co. Chicago. (Project Gutenberg. Release date: October 15, 2015. https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/50220/pg50220-images.html)
  2. Joseph Husband. "The Story of the Pullman Car". 1917. W.F. Hall Printing Company. Chicago. (Project Gutenberg. Release date: June 28, 2014. https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/46122/pg46122-images.html)