
出典: フリー多機能辞典『ウィクショナリー日本語版(Wiktionary)』
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Can someone creat 日本語当用漢字の索引? --Samuel 04:10 2004年5月12日 (UTC)

Hi Samuel. The answer is yes, but you know, we need more wiktionarians to maintenance base articles. Plese do not rush us, someday (I hope a month or shorter) we will reach there. :) --Suisui 04:17 2004年5月12日 (UTC)
Well, in fact, it's done! :) Chinese Wiktionary has already had that entry, i think it's quite easy for you to copy that to Japanese Wiktionary. The point is, how to put them into different sections by あいうえお order. you know, i can only read that in Chinese... But i found someone has helped Chinese Wiktionary do that! ;p --Samuel 09:28 2004年5月14日 (UTC)