- dampの比較級。
[編集]damper (複数 dampers)
- ストーブや炉の燃焼のための空気を送り込む量を調整する弁あるいは部品。ダンパー。
- 1912年. Bertha May Clark. "General Science"[1]
- When the fire is started, the damper should be opened wide in order to allow the escape of smoke; but after the fire is well started there is less smoke, and the damper may be partly closed.
- 燃焼が始まったときは、煙を逃がすためにダンパ―を広く開けた方がよい。しかし、燃焼がうまく開始して煙が少なくなったら、ダンパーはある程度閉めてよい。
- When the fire is started, the damper should be opened wide in order to allow the escape of smoke; but after the fire is well started there is less smoke, and the damper may be partly closed.
- 1912年. Bertha May Clark. "General Science"[1]
- (機械工学) ダンパー、緩衝器、減衰機。
[編集]- ↑ Bertha May Clark. "General Science". 1912. New York, Chicago, Cincinnati: American Book Company. (Project Gutenberg. Release date: August 25, 2005. Most recently updated: December 12, 2020. https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/16593/pg16593-images.html )