[編集]upstairs (比較級 further upstairs, 最上級 furthest upstairs)
- 階上へ、上の階へ。
- I'll take my shoes and put them away the next time I go upstairs.
- 今度2階に上がるとき、靴を片付けておくよ。
- I hate the people who live upstairs, and I especially hate their piano.
- 上の階に住んでいる人が嫌いで、特に、彼らが弾くピアノが嫌いだ。
- I'll take my shoes and put them away the next time I go upstairs.
- (俗語) 頭の中で、心中で。
- After Joe did a hula dance on the kitchen table, his friends wondered if he didn't have a lot going on upstairs.
- ジョーが食卓に上がってフラダンスを踊った後、彼の友人は、彼は頭の中身が空っぽなのかといぶかしんだ。
- After Joe did a hula dance on the kitchen table, his friends wondered if he didn't have a lot going on upstairs.
[編集]upstairs (比較級 further upstairs, 最上級 furthest upstairs)
- 階上にある。
- They can sleep in the upstairs bedroom.
- 上の階の寝室で寝ることができます。
- They can sleep in the upstairs bedroom.
- (野球) ストライクゾーンを外れた高めの。
- That fastball was upstairs for a ball.
- 速球は高めに外れてボールだった。
- That fastball was upstairs for a ball.