ease up

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ease up

  1. (自動詞) 緩める緩める
    • But he quickly cautioned that this does not mean it is time to ease up on restrictions, including social distancing and he warned against "reckless" behavior. (Margaret Besheer. "NY Governor Declares ‘Worst Is Over,’ as COVID Deaths Surpass 10,000 ")〔2020年〕[1]
  2. 速度落とす


  1. Margaret Besheer. April 13, 2020. "NY Governor Declares ‘Worst Is Over,’ as COVID Deaths Surpass 10,000 " Voice of America. https://www.voanews.com/science-health/coronavirus-outbreak/ny-governor-declares-worst-over-covid-deaths-surpass-10000 2020年3月5日参照