カテゴリ:英語 米語
カテゴリ「英語 米語」にあるページ
このカテゴリには 573 ページが含まれており、そのうち以下の 200 ページを表示しています。
(前のページ) (次のページ)A
- above the curve
- abridgment
- absentee ballot
- Achilles' tendon
- adhesive tape
- advisement
- afterward
- ahead of the curve
- ahead of the game
- all over the ballpark
- all over the lot
- all over the place
- alphabetize
- alternate
- alum
- amendment
- American as apple pie
- anagramize
- anagrammatization
- anagrammatize
- Anglo-Saxon
- antelope
- any more
- apple-polish
- apportionment
- archeologist
- archeology
- around the bend
- at a draft
- attending
- automobile
- avail
- ax
- bacteria
- badger
- baggage claim
- baptize
- barber
- barf
- bathing suit
- baton
- bay
- bearcat
- behoove
- beltway
- Ben
- Bens
- bent
- billfold
- billiards
- blade
- blank
- blood type
- blowdryer
- blow dryer
- blow-dryer
- blue state
- bobbasheely
- body shop
- bombardier
- boss
- brigadier general
- bright
- bruit
- buckwheat
- buffalo
- bureau
- burocracy
- bylaw
- cabin
- calico cat
- campo
- canvases
- carbonization
- carnival
- carriage
- cecum
- centimeter
- cesium
- chimo
- Chinese
- Christmas
- cider
- clambake
- clothespin
- cloture
- clutch
- coast
- cock
- cocksucker
- co-ed
- colliery
- colonial
- colored
- compound
- condition
- Congress
- conservative
- constable
- consult
- contraband
- convenience store
- cooler
- coolness
- coop
- corporation
- cosmopolite
- cot
- cotton candy
- cotton-candy
- cougar
- counteroffensive
- courthouse
- cozy
- crappy
- creek
- crevasse
- crew
- crib death
- crud
- cruiser
- cunning
- curb
- faithfully
- fanny pack
- fathom
- fatigues
- faucet
- favored
- fellow
- fetus
- fiber
- fiberglass
- fierce
- fifth grade
- filibuster
- fire drill
- fireweed
- first grade
- flank
- flash
- flavored
- flavoring
- file clerk
- flip
- flunk
- fool
- football
- footballer
- for
- fork
- fountain
- fourth grade
- frankfurt
- frankfurter
- Friday
- fry
- frypan
- fueled
- fueling
- funneling
- furnace