[編集]turn (三単現: turns, 現在分詞: turning, 過去形: turned, 過去分詞: turned )
- (他動詞) 回す。回転させる。
- 1911年, Frances Hodgson Burnett, "The Secret Garden"[1]
- She put the key in and turned it.
- 彼女は鍵を差し込み、鍵を回した。
- She put the key in and turned it.
- 1911年, Frances Hodgson Burnett, "The Secret Garden"[1]
- (自動詞) 回る、回転する。
- (他動詞) 変える。変化させる。turn 名詞A 形容詞B の形で、AをBの状態にさせる。
- 1915年, John Buchan, "The Thirty-nine Steps"[2]
- There he showed off at a great rate, and pattered about his duchesses till the snobbery of the creature turned me sick.
- そこでは、そいつの上級階級気取りが私をうんざりさせるまで、そいつは頻繁に目立ちたがり、公爵夫人とやらについてペラペラしゃべっていた。
- There he showed off at a great rate, and pattered about his duchesses till the snobbery of the creature turned me sick.
- 1915年, John Buchan, "The Thirty-nine Steps"[2]
- (自動詞) 曲がる。
- (他動詞) 向きを変える。
- 1915年, John Buchan, "The Thirty-nine Steps"[3]
- Then with some difficulty I turned the car.
- それから、やや手間取りながら私は車の向きを変えた。
- Then with some difficulty I turned the car.
- 1915年, John Buchan, "The Thirty-nine Steps"[3]
- (他動詞) 裏返す。
- (自動詞) (時間などが)過ぎる。
[編集]- turn about
- turn against
- turn around
- turn away
- turn back
- turn back the clock
- turn down
- turn heads
- turn in
- turn in one's grave
- turn into
- turn it up
- turn nasty
- turn of events
- turn of the century
- turn off
- turn on
- turn out
- turn out to be
- turn over
- turn over a new leaf
- turn round
- turn tail
- turn the other cheek
- turn the tables
- turn the tide
- turn tricks
- turn up
- turn up one's nose
- turn up the heat
[編集]turn (複数 turns)
[編集]- ↑ Frances Hodgson Burnett. "The Secret Garden". 1911. Frederick A. Stokes Company. (Project Gutenberg. August, 1994. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/17396/17396-h/17396-h.htm)
- ↑ John Buchan. "The Thirty-nine Steps". 1915. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: June, 1996. Last updated: October 30, 2018. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/558/558-h/558-h.htm)
- ↑ John Buchan. "The Thirty-nine Steps". 1915. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: June, 1996. Last updated: October 30, 2018. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/558/558-h/558-h.htm)